Lifestyle Komentari na "Ljubavno pismo koje nikada nisam poslala: Smeš li da pogledaš u oči onu u koju si se kleo a potom je izdao?" - Ljubavno pismo koje nikada nisam poslala: Smeš li da pogledaš u oči onu u koju si se kleo a potom je izdao? Nina Komnenov 13/11/24 | 12:44 ‹ Pročitajte ceo tekst
If you ever feel bad about yourself. Remember, someone out there thinks you're amazing just the way you are
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Clara, I will say that...
Sir from the United States, first, you need to defend this girl psychologically, physically, mentally, and in every other possible way, and then sort things out with her regarding the exes she clearly hasn’t forgotten.
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